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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

WFMW: Toddler-proof DVD player

There are products out there on the market that are specifically designed for this purpose- things like this DVD guard or this TV guard- both sell for around $10. My version, though, only cost $2.66, and so far, it's working great for us!

I went to WalMart and I purchased two 5x7 clear plastic picture frames. I slid the "stand" part of the frame up under the edge of the DVD player, and used the frame part to cover the on/off buttons. I did the same with the other frame, using it to cover the area where the play, fast forward, and other buttons are located. It took less than a minute, and so far, it has kept busy one year-old fingers away from the buttons. (I'm sure he'll eventually figure out how to remove the frames, but, hey, it works for now!)

For more great Works For Me Wednesday tips, head on over to Rocks in My Dryer!


  1. Oh My Gosh--you're too clever! Baby ChubChub has recently discovered that she gets a fun reaction out of her big brother when she pushes the buttons on the TV! Great idea--and cheap to boot!

  2. Your are a genius!


  3. We have these too, and they work great! M can slide her hand behind but can't punch the buttons. Although I did find a piece of cheese wedged behind it once.

  4. I keep meaning to get a few of those to do that but always forget! I'm so tired of my 1 yr old turning off movies in the middle of it.


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