It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday
- The Bangles - Manic Monday
I sat down to take a short break and blog for a minute, and as soon as I looked at the title bar that song started playing in my head. Does that tell you my age what kind of day I'm having? LOL!
I had a bit of a mommy meltdown last night, but my wonderful husband simply took the kids and they went to visit his Granny for a couple of hours so I could get a little peace and quiet. Today, I'm feeling much less like the Grinch and I'm whipping through my to-do list with serious determination.
Keeping my bloggy promises is on the list, really- it's just towards the bottom. The pictures I promised you yesterday will appear soon. The cards are close to being done- last night just did not go according to plan. Tonight I hope to finish assembling and signing them, and the mailman will have them in the morning. (Edited Wednesday to add: After I wrote this entery, DS was up for three hours in the middle of the night after my brad-setting woke him up. Needless to say, neither of us got much sleep, and the cards did not get finished again. ::sigh::)
More later- gotta go start baking cookies with DD (4) before DS (1) is up from his (late) nap!
P.S. I did manage to throw together a menu today for Menu Plan Monday-- it's over on my cooking blog.

My first time visiting your blog. How did you get boring old blogspot to look so cute? I have not mastered making my own layouts yet. I have a cooking blog too. That is my "thing" and I stamp occasionally.