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Monday, January 14, 2008

It's National Clean Off Your Desk day!

PhotobucketDid you know there's a national holiday for cleaning off your desk? LOL! If you could see the desk where I'm sitting right now, you'd understand why I feel a need to participate in this particular celebration. Computer print outs, scrapbooking supplies, books, and other random items all are piled on this desk. Think I can read blogs and clean it off at the same time? I'm about to try! :)


  1. I think I will take part in national clear off your desk day this year. In fact, I am going to do it right now! Thanks for posting a gentle reminder that my desk needs attention!

  2. I don't even have a desk, I sit on my bed with my laptop. But I think my whole house needs to be cleared. *lol* I need to fins a book I need to read for my exam and I just can't find it!!!! *arghhhh*

    Did you take before & after pictures?

  3. LOL! I needed this day. If only I read this earlier. It's too late now for me to clean off this desk.


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