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The Sugar Sharks, all about our life with Type I Diabetes.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1. If I could travel back in time, I'd go to the pioneer days. Something about the simple life of hard work and no electronic "conveniences" is very appealing.

2. Give me Mountain Dew or give me coffee. (Just make sure you give me some caffeine!)

3. I am listening to my kids playing and "Everybody Loves Raymond".

4. Somewhere, someone is thinking about buying school supplies.

5. I'll always be a mom.

6. My idea of a good time includes anything with my family.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing tonight after a very long week, tomorrow my plans include to run a few errands & catch up on laundry, and Sunday, I want to find time to scrapbook.


  1. You like your caffeine, too! Dew and coffee! Hope you get some scrappin' done so I can see all of your awesome layouts on Sunday scrappin'. tee hee! Have a good weekend.

  2. Thanks for playing, hope you have fun this weekend :-)

  3. I sure hope you get time in to scrapbook. ;)
    Busy weeks are so hard.

    This seems like a fun post. I may copy you. (if that's ok)
    I'm with you on the caffeine, too. For me it's coffee w/ french vanilla cream, or diet wild cherry pepsi! MMM.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Me too, lets be neighbors on the Prarie LOL or we could share a wagon as we travel out west to find a husband LOL.

    I have been enjoying finding all these great deals on school supplies, now if Office Max would offer their free laminating we would be set :)


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