The Children's Place has select Rugby sweaters on sale for $5 each right now. If you shop through CashBaq, you can use their coupon code for an additional 15% off, in addition to your 3% CashBaq rebate.
And, if you place an order totalling $50 or more in the next two days, use code FSholiday to receive free shipping. If your order is smaller and you want to bump it up to qualify, I'd recommend checking out the plush penguins they have with scarves that match the girls' pink Rugby sweaters or the boys' gray sweaters for $5 ($4.25 w/ Cashbaq discount). Which would you rather pay-- $5 in shipping, or $5 for a cute color coordinated penguin? ;) You can guess which I chose!
Thanks to Money Saving Mom for posting the $5 sweater sale. (The other discounts I tracked down myself.) The Children's Place is one of those stores that I'd normally pass by, thinking they are out of my price range. With the sales and discount codes, though, I actually paid less for sweaters, a hat, and mittens (all needed) than I would have for the same items at a local discount store. It definitely pays for me to spend a little time each week reading frugal blogs!

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