- gotten to see Glenn Beck
and Bill O'Reilly
on their Bold, Fresh Tour. I'm more of a Beck fan, and DH is more of an O'Reilly fan, so it was the perfect show for us. DH had splurged and gotten us great seats, right on the floor in the front section. We never do things like that-- too expensive-- so this was a real treat. The kids spent the night with my sister since we were in her city, so we went out for our favorite wings afterwards- it was a great date night!
- gone on a mini-vacation with the family for the weekend. We picked the kids up the next morning from my sister's and carried on with our fun weekend. We toured a cave, tried a local restaurant, and spent several hours at a kid's place with a 3-story indoor climbing area & go-karts. Fun times!
- celebrated my baby boy's 4th birthday. His choice: family lunch at a local fast food place with a play area. Future post on the last-minute frugal themed cake to come soon!
- spent some time with our neighbors. Their 3 year-old was just diagnosed this week with Type I Diabetes, the same as my daughter. We've talked a lot about the theory that something in the environment triggers this disease. :( I'm hoping our family can be a real help to them as they work their way through this scary new world.
- worked. A lot. Among the time-consuming things at work: we threw a luau for the residents two nights ago. They loved it.
- with all of that... on top of normal life... I've just had no time for blogging or reading blogs. I'm trying to do some catch-up today since it's so hot outside!

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