I needed some cheap artwork to hang on the wall of the kids' bathroom when we first moved into this house. I had a country blue & red plaid shower curtain, and decided to go with a Raggedy Ann theme.
The pictures came from a vintage Raggedy Ann & Andy book that my sister had given me- she'd gotten it with a bunch of other books through FreeCycle. The 8x10" frames were $1 each from the local dollar store. I thought they were a perfect match to the country feel I wanted in that room. (It's hard to tell from my poor camera phone photo, but they came painted dark blue with white spattered paint-- they kind of look like enamelware.)
Sadly, these pictures came down this week. We've just redecorated the kids' bathroom... again it was done frugally, just in a theme that they chose themselves this time. Check back soon for that post! :)
Cheap and easy wall artwork works for me! Check out more Works for Me Wednesday tips at We are THAT Family!

Gotta love good cheap decorating! :)