Have you heard? I've started a separate blog,
The Sugar Sharks, all about our life with Type I Diabetes.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I've always loved to watch lightening.  Storms relax me, especially at night in the summer.  I have never really felt a fear of a thunderstorm.  (Now tornado-strength winds are another story... but I'm talking about lightening and thunder here.)
I may feel differently now.  Our house was struck by lightening yesterday.  

We had gone to DD's softball end-of-season pizza party for lunch, and got home around 3pm.  Around 3:45 or so, the rain started.  It wasn't a loud storm or anything- in fact, I think I only heard about four cracks of lightening through the whole storm.  Right around 4pm, I was sitting here at the computer when a VERY loud crack of lightening hit so loud that I literally jumped up out of my seat. 

Our power went out.  We still didn't realize we'd been hit- we figured the whole neighborhood was out.  DH went out on the porch to look around, and noticed the strong smell of smoke.  The rain had already let up by then, so we started checking out the house, but couldn't find anything.  We came back in and were hit with the VERY strong burnt plastic smell.   We checked the entire house, attic and all, but didn't find anything.  The power came back on, and that's when we realized that several things were fried.

We lost a majority of our electronic "toys"-- TVs, cable boxes, video games, phones, garage door opener, etc.   Things that were hit seem to be really random-- one item on a surge protector might be toast, but the other three things are fine.   We were told that this is normal for a lightening strike- that it seems to take random things. 

We don't yet know what will and won't be replaced by insurance, as we spent most of today trying to figure out exactly what was fried and what wasn't.   Thankfully, no people were hurt.  Our air conditioner and major appliances all seem to be working fine.  We're trying to keep that in mind as we deal with the bills and insurance over the next few weeks.  

I don't think I'll ever enjoy watching lightening quite as much again!

Have you heard? I've started a new blog, The Sugar Sharks, all about our life with Type I Diabetes. .....................................


  1. How scary! A few years back we had a lightening bolt hit our tree. That was close enough for me!


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