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Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday Meme: Spring Forward

Monday Meme 41: Spring Forward

1. List 3 things you like about spring:
- bunnies- I love all the bunny decorations that come out, they just mean "Spring" to me. I have a bunch of country bunnies in my livingroom year-round.
- sunshine
- shedding winter layers of clothes

2. List 3 things you hate about spring:
- those "teaser" days that are really warm, then the next day it snows
- floods
- allergies

3. Do you set your clocks forward in the spring? Do you think it is a good idea?
Yes, and yes. Taking advantage of the daylight makes sense to me.

4. Do you have allergies in the spring? Do you take any allergies medications?
YES. My worst season is actually late summer, though. I have take a variety of medications.

5. What are you looking forward to the most this spring?
Getting outside with the kids. I have a little bit of cabin fever!

I was the 5,203th person to take this week's Monday Meme!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is so cute. I hate to even think about spring because it always fools me this early in March! The thing I hate about spring is the mud! Both of my boys love to play outside and track it in...so do the three cats. But my favorite thing is the flowers poking through the soil. I check daily to see how my perennials are coming along. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Kathy


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