Remember a while back when I won a free $20 Amazon gift card? Well, I've been holding on to it, waiting for a good deal. I finally decided that a subscription to All You magazine
So, I finally went to Amazon today to purchase it, and look what I found:
Purchase this magazine during the month of March, and you'll get a $5 gift certificate good on a future order on The value will be placed in your account as soon as the magazine has been processed which should be within one week of purchase. Here's how (restrictions apply).
So, I spent my free gift card to get a magazine that I enjoy... and, I'm getting another free $5 on top of that, just because I held onto my gift card and waited for the right time to order. That's my kind of deal! :)
If you're not familiar with this great magazine, check it out. $15 for a full year of All You
is a great price!
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