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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Menu Plan Tuesday

Yep, I'm a day late on this meme... but I still need a menu plan for the week, so I'm linking up anyway.  ;)  As you can see, I'm not doing much "real" cooking this week- these are all quick and easy meals.

  • MONDAY: fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans
  • TUESDAY: new recipe: Quick BBQ Beef Sandwiches,  potato wedges, celery, tomatoes
  • WEDNESDAY:  lasagna (from freezer), garlic bread sticks (from grocery bakery clearance rack), tossed salad
  • THURSDAY: kielbasa, macaroni & cheese, peas
  • FRIDAY: roasted chicken wings (frozen), sweet potato baked fries, salad
  • SATURDAY: homemade pizza -- using whatever toppings we're in the mood for that day & maybe this new recipe: Pizza Hut Style Breadsticks, salad  *We often do homemade pizza on Saturdays. This bread stick recipe has been on the menu plan for months now, but we never seem to have time to make it! I keep listing it in my menu plan to remind myself to try it.  :)
Check out more menus or share your own at Menu Plan Monday!

This post may contain sponsored reviews or affiliate links.  You can read my policy here. I always provide my honest opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Delicious! I wish I had lasagna in my freezer. ;) Is it store-bought or homemade?

    I've not menu planned since morning sickness kicked in. I need to, but it's tough to think of food. Bla.

    I hope you get to those breadsticks!


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