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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Menu Plan- Tuesday I-need-a-plan edition

Tonight's crazy rush reminded me that I NEED to do a menu plan.  So, a day late, but better than not at all, here's this week's plan.
  • MONDAY:  steak fajitas (cheap clearance steak marinated in my favorite fajita marinade) with peppers & onions, along with our favorite layered Mexican dip & chips
  • TUESDAY:  Tonight I was a short order cook, LOL!   The kids had frozen pizza dinners.  I had some sauted chicken tenders over leftover mashed potatoes.  DH got a chicken sandwich. THIS is what happens when I unexpectedly have to work late and don't have a menu planned!
  • WEDNESDAY: my birthday= eating out  :)
  • THURSDAY: kielbasa, julienne potatoes, peas
  • FRIDAY: crockpot chicken tacos (chicken tenders cooked with taco seasoning and salsa) & all the fixings, applesauce
  • SATURDAY: homemade pizza, tossed salad
Check out more menus or share your own at Menu Plan Monday!

This post may contain sponsored reviews or affiliate links.  You can read my policy here. I always provide my honest opinions.


  1. The crockpot Chicken Tacos sound Delish!!!

  2. I LOVE my menu planning. Makes life SO much easier. And saves me time and money.
    My birthday is Thursday! So Happy Early Birthday to you. How neat is that?

  3. Fajitas sound great! I've never made them, but it seems so easy I may need to give it a try.


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