Have you heard? I've started a separate blog,
The Sugar Sharks, all about our life with Type I Diabetes.
Menu Plan Monday 8/15

- MONDAY: frozen BBQ Ribettes, macaroni, tomatoes
- TUESDAY: First day of school tradition: Tacos! with salsa/ chips/ tomatoes/ lettuce/ cheese/ peppers. And I'm hoping to have time to make a special dessert or cookies, too.
- WEDNESDAY: crockpot roast, veggies, salad
- THURSDAY: family party @ my sister's house-- lasagna, tossed salad, garlic bread, birthday cake. I'm in charge of the garlic bread and salad. I'll be making THIS, which is a personal favorite. (Will you take a minute to go wish my newlywed sister a happy birthday-- and welcome her to the world of blogging? Thanks!)
- FRIDAY: pasta, meat sauce, salad
- SATURDAY: It's Pizza Night here every Saturday- we pretty much always have some variety of homemade pizza and tossed salad.
..................................... Have you heard? I've started a new blog, The Sugar Sharks, all about our life with Type I Diabetes. ..................................... This post may contain sponsored reviews or affiliate links. You can read my policy here. I always provide my honest opinions.
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