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Saturday, October 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes 10/4/13

It's Friday, and I'm off work.  This hasn't happened in.. well... forever.  I had some errands to run and a house to clean, but that's about it.  I love days when I have nothing on the schedule!

Source: memegenerator
I was so hot late this afternoon that I had to turn on the air conditioner.  In October.  In Ohio.

In other weather-related ranting: We have outdoor family pictures scheduled for Sunday.  I have long sleeved shirts and sweaters picked out for everyone.  Not only is it going to be hot, but there will also be intermittent thunderstorms.  These may be some interesting photos!   ;)

Prayer requests:  for both my husband and myself in our jobs.   He has a serious situation going on at work that needs to be resolved.  As for me, after 18+ years, circumstances at my job have led me to decide that it's time to find a new job.   This has not been an easy decision.  I sent out my first resume this week. 

source: SneakHype
Did you hear that the government shutdown is preventing military priests from celebrating mass?  And that they could actually be arrested for celebrating mass during the shut down?  It's ridiculous.

Between that and the WWII Veterans being locked out, it's like this is all just one big game to the politicians.  I live about two minutes from an Air Force base, and I know several people who are currently furloughed.  What a mess.  Ugh.

I'm happy with the fall tv line-up.   I don't actually obsess about tv shows, but I like to have something decent available to watch at the end of the day when I want to relax.    It's about time that sitcoms made a come-back.  It seems for about ten years now we have been flooded with every conceivable version of "reality" tv shows, most of which I do not have any interest in watching.   Give me a sitcom any day.

I experimented for supper.  We loved Melty Chicken when I tried it two weeks ago, so tonight I did the same thing with pork chops.  It was good, but I liked the chicken better.  (Pork chops and apples were actually on our menu for a couple of days ago, but some things came up this week that put us off schedule. Since the pork chops were thawed out and we're out of apples, an experimental dinner was in order! )

#7 is late, as in being written on Saturday evening, nearly 24 hours after I wrote #1.  While I was writing this last night, I got distracted with my husband and kids (priorities over the blog, of course) and never got back to finish/post this entry.  So while it has not been quick, nor has it been posted on Friday, I'm about to hit "post" anyway.  ;) 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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1 comment:

  1. one of my SIL's makes something like that melty chicken recipe and it's soooooooo good. I wonder what the pork chop idea would be like with a little mustard mixed in. I might have to give it a go.


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