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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday: Toy Mountain

Toy Mountain

OK, so this isn't really my house... but it sure feels like it! (The photo came from PhotoBucket, and I have no idea where/what it is, but I sure would like to hear the story, wouldn't you?)

Today I'm tackling the mountain of toys that have accumulated in our family room. The kids both have rooms of their own, not to mention a playroom in the basement, yet somehow the bulk of the toys keeps migrating to the family room. We're to the point now where they're overflowing the toy bins and spread out all over the floor. I can't take it anymore! Today the kids and I are going to sort things out and reassign homes for most of the toys, and maybe I can even weed out a few to donate.

As motivation for my DD (age 4) to help me, we'll be decorating her Valentine box and writing out her Valentines for her preschool class today after the toy project is done. I'll post photos later tonight. As motivation for me.... see my last post about what I'll be watching tonight. :)

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

What are you tackling today? Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to share your tackle and cheer on others.


  1. oh! Good luck with that!!! I did that here a few months back! it felt GREAT when we were done! I found labeling things really helps as well!!! have a great tuesday! :)

  2. Good Luck with your tackle. It is amazing how fast toys can take over. I try to weed through once a month - throwing away broken things and donating forgotten things. I find I have better luck when the kids are not around to tell me how much they LOVE something they haven't played with in months. Take care.

  3. Good luck with that tackle! Believe it or not, when we were house hunting, we actually went in to a home that was for sale that looked like that photo! I couldn't wait to back out of the front door, it was overwhelming.

  4. Good luck with your tackle! Our boys share a small room, and we're in the process of making a playroom in the basement, but it's not done yet. Therefore, I can completely relate to a mound of toys in the living room! lol

    We put bunk beds in the boys' room for our tackle this week :)

  5. Sounds familiar- even though my daughter has her own room and a play room, her toys are always in our living room or family room. I guess that's because that's where we usually are.

    Stop by and check out my first Tackle It Tuesday.

  6. I had a similar tackle today for my first tackle. Hope it went well!

  7. my heart sank for you when i saw that picture. i'm happy it isn't your mess!!

  8. Holy toys! Can you imagine sorting through that pile??? lol Hope your toy sorting went smoothly. It's not a fun job, but it does get easier as they get older. Hang in there! ;o)


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