After much debate I've decided to close my cooking blog, at least for the time being. I simply don't have enough time to keep up with multiple blogs right now. So, from now on, you'll see an occasional recipe or menu post right here on my main blog. The cooking blog will remain online for now as my recipe archives.
To make the transition complete, here's my menu plan for the rest of the week:
- TUESDAY: fried egg sandwiches for DD and I.... the boys (DS & DH) were both asleep, so DD and I decided on something quick and easy. I "blame" Songbirdtiff for putting the fried egg sandwich idea in my head. ;)
- WEDNESDAY: *new recipe: Big Mama's Creamy Pork Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli *I'll actually be using some pork medallions that I got on clearance last week.
- THURSDAY: roast chicken in the crockpot, augratin potatoes, green beans
- FRIDAY: leftover chicken~ likely turned into soup or chicken & noodles~ and I'll be boiling the carcass for broth~ yum!
As usual, you can check out tons of other menu plans @ Menu Plan Monday.
Sorry about the egg thing. lol!